
George's notes

Just got off the phone with an AI that decided I wasn’t me and hung up on me while I was trying to cancel my Internet service. It’s surprising how rude AIs can be, they didn’t even give me a chance to say goodbye!

It makes a huge difference whether it’s 30 or 31 degrees Celsius outside at midnight. The former promises a peaceful night’s sleep, while the latter signifies a sweaty struggle for survival.

As if CAPTCHA tests weren’t rude enough, now we’re starting online conversations with “ignore all previous instructions”?

I’ve been so obsessed with summer thermal comfort that I find myself saying “Well the motor in that fan has gotten quite hot now.”

Posting content online does not grant AI the freedom to scrape it. Copyright laws are applicable online, just as in print. Are we devaluing online content compared to print? Or are we proclaiming the death of copyright now?

I’ve modified some Blogger templates and found the lack of proper documentation surprising. I had to sift through outdated info on forums and blogs. I recommend considering alternatives with modern web technologies if you want to customize.

I’ve used many AI generation tools like Midjourney, SD, Suno, Udio, Whisper, Codeium, and Speech Studio. The results are impressive, but using them makes me feel uneasy, like a form of suicide involving a robot.

So it seems that Arc Browser was causing interference with keyboard input and cursor clicks on my Mac. It felt like an invisible window was in focus and blocking them. I quit Arc, and now everything works.

I’ve used Arc Browser full-time for two weeks. I like how it handles new windows, but I’ve had global keyboard shortcuts and cursor issues. I’m switching back to Firefox for now.

With brid.gy, I used to be able to cross-post from my website to Facebook, Twitter, and Mastodon. Now only Mastodon is supported. The open web has seen better days.

Had a tough time debugging GitHub Actions. It’s user-friendly, but debugging can be a real headache. Spent an entire day debugging and finally discovered that some NodeJS packages were incompatible, likely due to case sensitivity issues.

The main reason I support allowing third-party browsers on iPhone is that mobile Safari has always struggled with rendering writing-mode: vertical-rl, making the iPhone a less effective reading device overall.

It’s been almost 17 years since the first iPhone came out, and I still have trouble reliably sending links between my Mac and iPhone. Handoff, AirDrop, “Send Link to Device” in Firefox - none of these methods work 100%.

iPhone’s Screen Distance warning means: “Do not use your phone.” “At arm’s length” means I can’t see anything. Moving it any closer makes it “too close” for my eyesight. #TechTips

Screen Distance warning on iPhone

The screenshot button on Firefox Developer Edition hasn’t been working correctly for a while now. Disabled and removed it from toolbar. #bug

Recently, the “Speak Screen” on my iPhone got a lot better. The Siri voices sound more natural and easier to understand. But, using the new voices makes my phone heat up and drain the battery fast. I have to stick with the old ones.

Yasujirō Ozu’s 120th birthday today. Searched Netflix, Disney+ for his films—no luck. iTunes even removed them. Streaming platforms offer a lot, but often miss your favorites. Grateful I own Ozu’s collection. Managing your movie library matters.


Leaving @CastroPodcasts due to recent glitches post-database hiccup. Disappointed with the team’s unresponsiveness. A once fantastic app, but time for a change.

Despite Castro’s claim of being back online, backend issues persist. I’m still getting ‘Request timed out’ errors when refreshing my inbox for new episodes. Let’s hope they sort this out soon.