Test posting from Bridgy. Hope this works!
Trying to implement webmention support to my static blog engine. Should require non-trivial efforts.
Why does it have to take iCloud Drive over 5 minutes to sync a 5KB text file?
Memorizing this keyboard shortcut will save you much time and trouble, especially when every input devices have gone wireless.

Send to Kindle停止支援MOBI(包括.AZW和.MOBI),同時開始支援EPUB!雖然終於可以用Android和iOS的Kindle app讀EPUB,但我猜Mac版應該還是不行。
從一開始疾管署的宣導格式就是一堆 PDF,也難怪媒體每天要追著記者會幫忙彙整資訊。但當規則變動太快的時候,新聞媒體的報導很快就會過時,這時候唯一可靠的資訊來源還是這堆 PDF。
iOS 15.2. Calendar shortcuts are still unusable. Replaced all of them with Toolbox Pro’s “create calendar event”. Now I’m happy.
Regretted having upgraded to iOS 15. Shortcuts that trigger calendar commands are too flaky to be usable. Got “No calendar has been set.” but it’s definitely set.
Having headphones on while talking used to make people think you are rude. This is obviously changing after AirPods Pro hit the market. Now I see people do that in shops all the time, and nobody would raise their voice to be heard.
Siri Shortcuts is my de facto “operating system”. If it continues to be unusable, I should just skip iOS 15 entirely.
Wow. Guess I’ll have to wait even longer before updating to iOS 15.
Been logging health data to Calendar so that they’re easily accessible and comparable to other factors like weather, air quality, etc. This QS Ledger can be a step forward but not sure how much more I might need from it than a Google Sheets.
Siri Shortcuts and widgets really changed how I interact with my iPhone. Most of the things I do with phone now start with a widget or a Shortcut trigger on the home screen.
Bought a pair of headphones from a local brand. The qualities were so bad that I had to send back for fixing 3 times in a single year. During the process I had to use email and phone to finally get headphones fixed. Now I get their spam mails and text messages all the time.
Worst email spam I get is from GettyImages. No unsubscribe button on their mails. Does not let me sign in from my password saved by Keychain. Retrieving password required 8 captcha tests and this time the mail failed to arrive.
Time Blocking結合Day Theming是挺有效的組合,試過一段時間,卻容易搞得過於嚴苛難以為繼。但也可能只是我過於懶散,效率不彰。
I forget things. I just do. That’s why I’ve grown to be organized and learn methods like GTD to help me get through life. Asking me to train my “memorizing power” is absurd because that would just cram more garbage into my brain and leave even less room for essentials.